Diego Antonini

CEO Insiel

Nato a Trieste e laureato in Economia e Commercio, Diego Antonini è Amministratore Unico di Insiel, ICT in-house della Regione FVG. Dal 2000 al 2003 ha svolto il ruolo di Dirigente nella Divisione P.A. and Healthcare con le mansioni di Amministratore Delegato di Agenzia d’Informazione Aziendale S.p.A. Fra il 2004 e il 2006 è stato, in Getronics Solutions Italia Spa, Direttore Commerciale verso il gruppo Poste Italiane S.p.A. Dal 2006 al 2010 è stato Account Manager in Oracle Italia e responsabile per lo sviluppo dei rapporti commerciali col Gruppo Finmeccanica e con la società EDS Italia SpA. In Oracle Italia, ha ricoperto il ruolo di Senior Sales Executive Central Government e di Senior Sales Manager, per prodotti e progetti software sul mercato della PA locale del Centro-Sud Italia. Già consigliere, Vicepresidente, Presidente Vicario e Presidente di Assinter, nell’ambito del Comitato Direttivo detiene attualmente la delega ai rapporti con le Istituzioni europee e presidio regolatorio

Born in Trieste and graduated in Economics and Commerce, Diego Antonini is the CEO of Insiel, the in-house ICT company of the FVG Region. From 2000 to 2003, he held the position of Executive in the Public Administration and Healthcare Division, serving as Managing Director of Agenzia d’Informazione Aziendale S.p.A. Between 2004 and 2006, he was the Commercial Director at Getronics Solutions Italia Spa. From 2006 to 2010, he worked as an Account Manager at Oracle Italia, handling business relationships with the Finmeccanica Group and EDS Italia SpA. He also served as a Senior Sales Executive for Central Government and as a Senior Sales Manager, overseeing software products and projects in the local public administration market in Central-Southern Italy. Previously a councilor, Vice President, Deputy President, and President of Assinter, he currently holds the position of European Institutions and Regulatory Affairs Delegate within the Executive Committee

A panel with
Diego Antonini, CEO Insiel
Gabriele Codotto, Ph.D. student University of Ferrara, Genomic and Epigenomic laboratory Area Science Park
Anna Ludovica Fracanzani, Director of Medicine and Metabolic Disease Unit, Fondazione IRCCS Ca' Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico. Professor of Internal Medicine University of Milan
Claudio Tiribelli, scientific director Italian Liver Foundation
Chaired by
Cristina Bellarosa, senior scientist Italian Liver Foundation
The event will take place in italian
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