Elisa Ricci

professor of Deep Learning University of Trento, head Deep Visual Learning Research Unit Fondazione Bruno Kessler

Elisa Ricci è professoressa associata presso il Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Informazione e Informatica dell’Università di Trento e responsabile dell’Unità di Ricerca Deep Visual Learning della Fondazione Bruno Kessler.
La sua ricerca si colloca all’intersezione tra computer vision, deep learning e percezione robotica. Elisa è coautrice di oltre 200 pubblicazioni scientifiche e pubblica regolarmente su riviste e conferenze nel campo della computer vision e del machine learning. Ha partecipato a diversi progetti nazionali e internazionali. Attualmente è responsabile per UNITN del progetto europeo H2020 SPRING e coordinatrice tecnica del progetto europeo ISFP PRECISIS. È fellow di ELLIS, il Laboratorio europeo per l’apprendimento e i sistemi intelligenti

Elisa Ricci is an associate professor in the Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Trento and the Head of the Deep Visual Learning Research Unit at Fondazione Bruno Kessler. Her research lies at the intersection of computer vision, deep learning and robotic perception. Elisa has co-authored over 200 scientific publications and regularly publishes in journals and conferences in the field of computer vision and machine learning. She has participated in several national and international projects. She is currently the principal investigator for UNITN of the European H2020 project SPRING and the technical coordinator of the European ISFP project PRECISIS. She is a fellow of ELLIS, the European Laboratory for Intelligent Learning and Systems.

Saturday 28 september / time 16.30-17.45
Sala Maggiore, Camera di Commercio di Trieste
Piazza della Borsa, 14, Trieste, TS, Italia
A panel with
Luca Bortolussi, professor of Computer Science and head of the the AI lab University of Trieste
Karina Gibert, Professor and Director Intelligent Data Science and Artificial Intelligence research center (UPC), dean College of Computer Engineering of Catalonia
Elisa Ricci, professor of Deep Learning University of Trento, head Deep Visual Learning Research Unit Fondazione Bruno Kessler
Chaired by
Massimo Fedeli, head of Department for Development of Methods and Technologies for the Production and Dissemination of Statistical Information Istat
The event will take place in italian
Register for the event