Laura Longo

archaeologist Cà Foscari University of Venice

Una laurea in Scienze Naturali e un PhD in Antropologia hanno portato Laura Longo allo studio delle intersezioni tra comportamento e ambiente che influenzano la cultura materiale del passato e la comprensione di essa. Come Archeologa, studia gli strumenti litici, potenti archivi che conservano evidenze dei comportamenti del passato. L’utilizzo delle STEM ha consentito un’integrazione efficace tra scienze umane e scienze esatte, e ha migliorato la comprensione di come l’intelligenza adattativa permeava i sistemi ecologici umani e ha incrementato la complessità del comportamento umano. Questa trans-disciplinarietà ha pervaso le sue traiettorie professionali, prima come Curatore museale e poi come Professore Associato alla NTU di Singapore. Dopo il Covid, ha ripreso la carriera accademica esplorando le affascinanti intersezioni del chemoprofiling e dell’imaging per rispondere alle domande “a cosa servivano gli strumenti in pietra” e come/perché queste risposte siano rilevanti oggi per noi

With an MSc in Natural Sciences and a PhD in Anthropology Laura Longo became interested in behavioural and environmental intersections that might affect past human material culture and our understanding of it. As an Archaeologist, she investigates stone tools, powerful archives in which both tangible and intangible evidences of past behaviour are stored. By using STEM, she attained a successful integration between humanities and science by enhancing our understanding of how adaptative intelligence permeated the human-ecological systems and the complexity of human behaviour.
This trans-disciplinary attitude pervaded her professional trajectories first as museum Curator and then as Associate Professor of Museum Studies at NTU in Singapore. After the Covid, she started a new academic carrier through the fascinating intersections of chemoprofiling and imaging, including micro-CTscan, to respond the question “what were stone tools used for” and how/why the answers are relevant for us.

Sunday 29 september / time 11.30-12.45
Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia, Sala delle Colonne
Riva del Mandracchio, Trieste, TS, Italia
A panel with
Giovanni Birarda, researcher SISSI-Bio beamline: Synchrotron Infrared source for Spectroscopy and Imaging applications for Chemical and Life Sciences Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste
Francesco Boschin, professor of Physical Anthropology and Prehistoric Ecology University of Siena
Marco Ferrari, biologist, science journalist, teacher Master in comunicazione della scienza "Franco Prattico" SISSA
Laura Longo, archaeologist Cà Foscari University of Venice
Chaired by
Lisa Vaccari, IDEAS group coordinator: Imaging, Diffraction, Emission, absorption and Scattering Beamlines and Labs Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste
The event will take place in italian
Register for the event