Marco Zennaro

head Science Technology and Innovation unit ICTP

Marco Zennaro coordina l’unità di Scienza, Tecnologia e Innovazione dell’ICTP. Ha conseguito un dottorato di ricerca presso il KTH, il Royal Institute of Technology di Stoccolma, in Svezia. È stato fellow dell’MIT ed è visiting professor presso il Kobe Institute of Computing (KIC) di Kobe, in Giappone. Si occupa dell’uso di tecnologie dell’informazione nei paesi in via di sviluppo ed ha organizzato attività di formazione più di trenta paesi.

Marco Zennaro is a Senior Research Scientist and the Head of ICTP’s Science Technology and Innovation unit. He holds a PhD from KTH - the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden. He is a former MIT fellow and was a visiting professor at Kobe Institute of Computing in Kobe, Japan. His research interests are in the area of Information and Communications Technologies and their applications in developing countries and he has organized schools workshops in more than 30 countries

A panel with
Eiman Kanjo, provost visiting professor Imperial College London, professor of Pervasive Sensing Nottingham Trent University
Teresa Scantamburlo, professor of Digital ethics Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
Marco Zennaro, head Science Technology and Innovation unit ICTP
Chaired by
Serafina Di Gioia, researcher in Applied machine learning ICTP
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