Matteo Biagetti

theoretical physicist, researcher Institute for Technological Research and Innovation RIT Area Science Park

Matteo Biagetti è Ricercatore presso l’Istituto RIT situato in Area Science Park a Trieste. In questo ruolo, partecipa all’attività scientifica del gruppo di ricerca LADE, conducendo ricerche all’interfaccia tra intelligenza artificiale, fisica e matematica. Nel 2016 ha conseguito il dottorato in Fisica Teorica presso l’Università di Ginevra e ha svolto attività di ricerca post-dottorato al Delta Institute for Theoretical Physics presso l’Università di Amsterdam e alla SISSA. Nel 2018 ha vinto il grant olandese di eccellenza VENI, pari a 250.000 euro. Ha contribuito alla ricerca relativa alla fisica dell’Universo primordiale e la sua impronta sulle strutture a larga scala, e più recentemente ad applicazioni di analisi dati topologica a diversi problemi di data science. È autore di più di 30 articoli in riviste scientifiche di alto livello, ha organizzato conferenze internazionali e viene regolarmente invitato come speaker a conferenze e seminari in tutta Europa

Matteo Biagetti is a Researcher at the RIT Institute located in Area Science Park in Trieste. In this role, he participates in the scientific activity of the LADE research group, conducting research at the interface between artificial intelligence, physics and mathematics. In 2016 he obtained his doctorate in Theoretical Physics at the University of Geneva. He conducted post-doctoral research at the Delta Institute for Theoretical Physics at the University of Amsterdam and SISSA. In 2018 he won the Dutch VENI grant of excellence, amounting to 250,000 euros. He has contributed to research relating to the physics of the early Universe and its imprint on large-scale structures, and more recently to applications of topological data analysis to various data science problems. He is the author of more than 30 articles in high-level scientific journals, has organized international conferences, and is regularly invited as a speaker at conferences and seminars across Europe.

Friday 27 september / time 09-09.45
Area Talk Piazza Verdi
Piazza Giuseppe Verdi, Trieste, TS, Italia
A panel with
Matteo Biagetti, theoretical physicist, researcher Institute for Technological Research and Innovation RIT Area Science Park
Mariarita de Luca, bioengineer, researcher Institute for Technological Research and Innovation RIT Area Science Park
The event will take place in italian
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