Peter McGrath

coordinator InterAcademy Partnership (IAP)

Peter McGrath ha ottenuto una laurea in zoologia agraria all’Università di Glasgow. Durante il dottorato all’università di Leeds e nei successivi 10 anni ha studiato la trasmissione dei virus delle piante da parte degli insetti, trascorrendo periodi di ricerca in UK e USA come post-doc. Nel 1997 è rientrato in UK per iniziare a lavorare come giornalista freelance, occupandosi di agricoltura, ambiente e scienza. Nel 2003 ha iniziato a lavorare per la TWAS come redattore e scrittore. Dal 2006 ha gestito e ampliato i programmi della TWAS finalizzati a sviluppare capacità scientifiche nei paesi in via di sviluppo, inclusi i programmi borse di dottorato, programmi di scambio, borse di studio e premi. Dal 2013 è coordinatore della InterAcademy Partnership, il network globale che riunisce 150 accademie scientifiche, di medicina e ingegneria. Mantenendo la posizione di coordinatore del programma di diplomazia scientifica della TWAS, McGrath ha inoltre avviato il programma Science in Exile

Peter McGrath has a BSc (hons) in Agricultural Zoology from the University of Glasgow. His PhD studies at the University of Leeds and subsequent 10-year research career focused on the insect transmission of plant viruses and included postdoc posts in the UK and USA. Returning to the UK in 1997, he established himself as a freelance journalist focusing on agricultural, environmental and scientific issues.
In 2003, he joined The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) as writer/editor. From 2006, he managed and expanded TWAS' programmes aimed at developing scientific capacity in developing countries, including fellowships and other exchange schemes, research grants and various prizes.
In 2013, he was appointed Coordinator of the InterAcademy Partnership (IAP), the global network of 150 academies of science, medicine and engineering.
Retaining also his position as coordinator of the TWAS Science Diplomacy Programme, he was responsible for establishing the Science in Exile programme.

Friday 27 september / time 18-19.15
Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia, Sala delle Colonne
Riva del Mandracchio, Trieste, TS, Italia
A panel with
Tonya Blowers, coordinator Organization for Women in Science for the Developing World (OWSD)
Peter McGrath, coordinator InterAcademy Partnership (IAP)
Alessandro Garbellini, head Office for Space Scientific Multilateral Cooperation and Intellectual Property Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI)
Phyu Phyu Thin Zaw, lecturer in Health Leadership and Management in Crisis Settings Hong Kong University
Chaired by
Payal Patel, TWAS Associate Programme Officer
Register for the event