Serafina Di Gioia

researcher in Applied machine learning ICTP

Serafina Di Gioia è ricercatrice postdoc in Machine Learning applicato presso l’ICTP e membro del nuovo ICOMP (International Consortium for Scientific COMPuting). Ha conseguito un dottorato in fisica presso l’Università di Trieste ed un master in high performance computing, rilasciato da SISSA e ICTP. All’ICTP si occupa di ricerca e formazione nell’ambito del machine learning applicato alla scienza, con un focus sulle applicazioni di questi metodi a diverse discipline scientifiche.

Serafina Di Gioia is a Senior Postdoctoral Researcher in applied machine learning at ICTP, and a member of the new ICOMP (International Consortium for Scientific COMPuting). She obtained a PhD in physics from the University of Trieste and a master's degree in high performance computing, from SISSA and ICTP. At ICTP she is involved in research and training activities in the field of machine learning and Artificial Intelligence, with a focus on the applications of these methods to different scientific disciplines.

A panel with
Eiman Kanjo, provost visiting professor Imperial College London, professor of Pervasive Sensing Nottingham Trent University
Teresa Scantamburlo, professor of Digital ethics Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
Marco Zennaro, head Science Technology and Innovation unit ICTP
Chaired by
Serafina Di Gioia, researcher in Applied machine learning ICTP
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