Giorgia Girotto

Geneticist at the IRCCS Burlo-Garofolo; Associate Professor of Medical Genetics at the University of Trieste

Giorgia Girotto è professore associato di Genetica medica nel Dipartimento di Scienze Mediche e Chirurgiche e della Salute dell’Università di Trieste ed è genetista presso l’IRCCS Materno Infantile Burlo Garofolo. La sua attività lavorativa ha come obiettivo la diagnosi e lo studio delle basi genetiche delle malattie ereditarie, dei tratti e delle patologie multifattoriali. Ha trascorso lunghi periodi in prestigiosi istituti esteri, partecipato a spedizioni scientifiche e organizzato convegni nazionali e internazionali. Oltre alla scienza, ha sempre nutrito una profonda passione per l’arte, cercando di integrarla nella pratica medica.

Giorgia Girotto is Associate Professor of Medical Genetics at the Department of Medicine, Surgery and Health Sciences of Trieste University and geneticist at the Institute for Maternal and Child Health IRCCS Burlo Garofolo Her work focuses on diagnosing and studying the genetic basis of hereditary diseases, traits, and multifactorial disorders. Throughout her career, she has worked in prestigious foreign institutes, participated in scientific expeditions, and organized national and international conferences. In addition to science, she always had a deep passion for art and is trying to integrate it into medical practice.

A panel with
Matteo Della Monica, Past Director of the Medical Genetics and Laboratory Unit of AORN Cardarelli Naples; Member of the Campania Ethics Committee 3
Giorgia Girotto, Geneticist at the IRCCS Burlo-Garofolo; Associate Professor of Medical Genetics at the University of Trieste
Luigi Memo, pediatrician and clinical geneticist
Chaired by
Cristina Serra, science journalist
The event will take place in italian
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