Leonardo Egidi

professor of Statistics at the University of Trieste

Leonardo Egidi è docente e ricercatore di Statistica presso l’Università di Trieste e ha conseguito il dottorato di ricerca in Statistica presso l’Università di Padova nel 2018. La sua ricerca si concentra sulla statistica teorica e applicata, con applicazioni a studi clinici, economia, genomica computazionale e sport. Utilizza principalmente metodi bayesiani ed è uno sviluppatore di pacchetti R. È membro del collegio di dottorato Applied Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (ADSAI) dell’Università di Trieste ed è Principal Investigator (PI) di un progetto PRIN finanziato dal Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca (MUR) nel 2023. Supervisiona studenti magistrali e dottorandi e offre abitualmente consulenza statistica a ospedali e piccole imprese. Ha collaborazioni di ricerca aperte con l’Università di Zurigo, la Columbia University e l’Università di Economia e Commercio di Atene.

Leonardo Egidi is Assistant Professor of Statistics at University of Trieste, and he got his PhD in Statistics at the University of Padova in 2018. His research focuses on theoretical and applied statistics, with applications to clinical trials, economics, computational genomics, and sports. He mainly uses Bayesian methods and he is an R package developer. He is a board member of the Applied Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (ADSAI) PhD program at the University of Trieste and he is the Principal Investigator of a PRIN project funded by the Italian Ministery of University and Research. He supervises PhD and master students and he usually offers statistical consultancy to hospitals and small firms. He has open research collaborations with the University of Zurich, Columbia University and Athens University of Economics and Business.

A panel with
Daniela Cocchi, Emeritus Professor, University of Bologna
Furio Honsell, professor of Automata Theory University of Udine
Linda Laura Sabbadini, Former Head of the production Department of Istat Italian Statistical Institute
Chaired byno
Leonardo Egidi, professor of Statistics at the University of Trieste
Nicola Torelli, professor of Statistics at the University of Trieste
The event will take place in italian
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