Elena Marchigiani

professor of City Planning at the University of Trieste

Elena Marchigiani ha conseguito la laurea in Architettura e il dottorato in Urbanistica allo IUAV di Venezia. Ha svolto una ricerca post-doc al Politecnico di Milano e insegnato all’Università di Ferrara. È professoressa associata di Urbanistica all’Università di Trieste, in cui fa parte del Board of Directors del Master in Blue Economy (UNITS, OGS) ed è vicecoordinatrice del dottorato in Ingegneria Civile ambientale e Architettura (UNITS, UNIUD). I suoi campi di ricerca riguardano politiche pubbliche, pianificazione urbanistica, rigenerazione urbana e territoriale, con particolare riguardo ai temi dell’adattamento ai cambiamenti climatici delle aree costiere. È coordinatrice del RT4 “Land-sea integrated maritime and spatial planning” nel Progetto Interconnected Nord-Est Innovation (iNEST) Ecosystem, Spoke 8 (cofinanziamento Unione Europea – Next Generation EU). E’ autrice di oltre 150 pubblicazioni, tra volumi, saggi e articoli.

Elena Marchigiani graduated in Architecture and earned a doctoral degree in Urban planning at IUAV University in Venice. She carried out a post-doc research at Polytechnic in Milan and gave lessons at the University of Ferrara. She is Associate Professor in Urban Planning at the University of Trieste, where she is member of the Board of Directors of the Master in Blue Economy (UNITS, OGS) and vice coordinator of the PHD program in Civil and Environmental Engineering and Architecture (UNITS, UNIUD). Her research interests include public policies, city planning, urban and territorial regeneration, with particular focus on the themes of climate change adaptation in coastal areas. She coordinates RT4 “Land-sea integrated maritime and spatial planning” of the Interconnected Nord-Est Innovation (iNEST) Ecosystem project, Spoke 8 (co-financing European Union – Next Generation EU). Her research results are available in more than 150 publications, among volumes, essays and articles.

Friday 27 september / time 09-09.45
Area Talk Piazza Unità d'Italia
Piazza Unità d'Italia, Trieste, TS, Italia
A panel with
Simone Arnaldi, professor of Sociology at the University of Trieste
Stefano Furlani, professor of Physical Geography and Geomorphology at the University of Trieste
Elena Marchigiani, professor of City Planning at the University of Trieste
Alberto Pallavicini, professor of Genetics at the University of Trieste
Chaired by
Franco Foresta Martin, geologist, popularizer, researcher at the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV)
The event will take place in italian
Register for the event