Cristina Serra

science journalist

Cristina Serra è biologa, e ha svolto ricerca in terapia genica e genetica del cancro all’ICGEB di Trieste, Yale University, Connecticut, US e Cornell University, NY, US. Nel 1998 ha ottenuto un Master in comunicazione della scienza (SISSA, Trieste) e ha iniziato a lavorare come giornalista scientifica freelance. Dal 1997 al 2010 ha scritto per il Corriere della Sera, Repubblica, L’Espresso, Il Piccolo, Le Scienze, Newton. Ha gestito l’ufficio stampa della Direzione Scientifica all’Ospedale Infantile Burlo Garofolo, SISSA, OGS e del progetto European Vascular Genomics Network. Nel 2004 ha iniziato a lavorare per la RAI del FVG, ideando e conducendo programmi radiofonici di scienza, società ed educazione cinofila. Dal 2010 lavora alla TWAS nel Public Information Office. Nel 2020 ha conseguito un Master in neuroscienze e Meditazione Mindfulness (Università di Udine), e nel 2023 è diventata istruttrice di Mindfulness. È educatrice/istruttrice cinofila (approccio cognitivo zoo-antropologico).

A biologist by education, Cristina Serra carried out research in gene therapy and cancer genetics at ICGEB, in Trieste, and at Yale University (Connecticut, US) and Cornell University (NY, US).
In 1998 she earned a Master in Science Communication at SISSA, in Trieste, Italy, and became a professional free-lance journalist. From 1997–2010 she wrote for Corriere della Sera, Repubblica, l'Espresso, Il Piccolo, Le Scienze, Newton and others. She was the Public Information Officer at the Children's Hospital Burlo Garofolo, SISSA, OGS, and the EU-funded European Vascular Genomics Network. In 2004 she began a collaboration with RAI FVG, to devise and run radio programmes on science, society and dog education. Since 2010, she works at TWAS as a staff writer. In 2020 she earned a Master in Neuroscience and Mindfulness Meditation (University of Udine), and in 2023 she became a Mindfulness Meditation instructor. She is also a dog educator/instructor with a cognitive-zooanthropological approach.

A panel with
Matteo Della Monica, Past Director of the Medical Genetics and Laboratory Unit of AORN Cardarelli Naples; Member of the Campania Ethics Committee 3
Giorgia Girotto, Geneticist at the IRCCS Burlo-Garofolo; Associate Professor of Medical Genetics at the University of Trieste
Luigi Memo, pediatrician and clinical geneticist
Chaired by
Cristina Serra, science journalist
The event will take place in italian
Register for the event