Ketty Segatti

Central Director for Special Functions related to Strategic Research and Innovation Projects

Ketty Segatti è Direttrice centrale per particolari funzioni in materia di ricerca e innovazione della Regione autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia e Autorità di Gestione del Programma regionale del Fondo Sociale Europeo plus 2021 – 2027. Tra i progetti strategici che coordina: Valle dell’Idrogeno del Nord Adriatico , Ecosistema regionale dell’innovazione nelle scienze della vita e I-HUB FVG.

Ketty Segatti is the Central Director for Special Functions related to Strategic Research and Innovation Projects of the Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia. She is also the Managing Authority for the European Social Fund Regional Programme Plus 2021-2027. Among the strategic projects she is coordinating: are the “North Adriatic Hydrogen Valley”, the “Regional Ecosystem of Innovation in Life Sciences” and I-HUB FVG.

A panel with
Roberto Della Marina, Managing Partner Obloo Ventures
Shiva Loccisano, CEO AlmaCube srl and BeHold srl
Carlo Poloni, Professor of Mechanical Engineering , Trieste University / President ESTECO SpA
Ketty Segatti, Central Director for Special Functions related to Strategic Research and Innovation Projects
Chaired by
The event will take place in italian
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