Luca Bortolussi

professor of Computer Science and head of the the AI lab University of Trieste

Luca Bortolussi è attualmente professore ordinario di Informatica all’Università di Trieste, dove dirige l’AI-lab. È stato professore associato (2015-2021) e assistente (2006-2015) nella stessa Università. Nel 2014-2015 è stato professore di Modelling and Simulation all’Università di Saarland e professore ospite nel 2026 e 2018-2021. Nel 2012 è stato ricercatore ospite alla School of Informatics dell’Università di Edimburgo. Si è laureato in Matematica a Trieste nel 2003 e ha conseguito il dottorato in Informatica nel 2007 all’Università di Udine. I suoi interessi di ricerca sono incentrati sull’intelligenza artificiale, includendo metodi simbolici e formali in informatica, apprendimento automatico probabilistico e deep leaning, simulazione e controllo. Si occupa anche di sistemi ciber-fisici, sistemi adattivi collettivi, intelligenza artificiale spiegabile e varie applicazioni in medicina, assicurazioni, industria, sostenibilità e cambiamento climatico.

Luca Bortolussi is currently a Full Professor of Computer Science at the University of Trieste, leading the AI lab. Previously, he served as Associate Professor (2015-2021) and Assistant Professor (2006-2015) at the same University. In 2014-2015, he was a Professor of Modelling and Simulation at Saarland University, and a Guest Professor in 2026 and 2018-2021. In 2012, he was a Visiting Researcher at the School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh. He graduated in Mathematics from Trieste in 2003 and he earned a PhD in Computer Science in 2007 from the University of Udine. His research interests span artificial intelligence, including symbolic and formal methods in computer science, probabilistic and deep machine learning, simulation, and control. He also focusses on cyber-physical systems, collective adaptive systems, explainable artificial intelligence, and various applications in medicine, insurance, industry, sustainability, and climate change.

A panel with
Luca Bortolussi, professor of Computer Science and head of the the AI lab University of Trieste
Giovanni Landi, vice-president of the EuropIA Institute
Chiara Panciroli, professor of Didactics and Special Pedagogy University of Bologna
Chaired by
Giovanni Grandi, professor of Moral Philosophy at the University of Trieste
The event will take place in italian
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Friday 27 september / time 18-19.15
Camera di Commercio di Trieste
Piazza della Borsa, 14, Trieste, TS, Italia
A panel with
Luca Bortolussi, professor of Computer Science and head of the the AI lab University of Trieste
Franco Francia, vicepresident Dama Italy
Giorgia Silvi, digital transition Gruppo Hera
Andrea Zancola, business intelligence & data management AcegasApsAmga
The event will take place in italian
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Saturday 28 september / time 16.30-17.45
Sala Maggiore, Camera di Commercio di Trieste
Piazza della Borsa, 14, Trieste, TS, Italia
A panel with
Luca Bortolussi, professor of Computer Science and head of the the AI lab University of Trieste
Karina Gibert, Professor and Director Intelligent Data Science and Artificial Intelligence research center (UPC), dean College of Computer Engineering of Catalonia
Elisa Ricci, professor of Deep Learning University of Trento, head Deep Visual Learning Research Unit Fondazione Bruno Kessler
Chaired by
Massimo Fedeli, head of Department for Development of Methods and Technologies for the Production and Dissemination of Statistical Information Istat
The event will take place in italian
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Presented by
Luca Bortolussi, professor of Computer Science and head of the the AI lab University of Trieste
Keynote lecture by
Michael Irwin Jordan, professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences and professor of Statistics, UC Berkeley
The event will take place in italian
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