Marco Cambiaghi

researcher and teacher University of Verona, collaborator of Tuttoscienze and Salute of La Stampa
Saturday 28 september / time 16.30-17.45
Area Talk Piazza Unità d'Italia
Piazza Unità d'Italia, Trieste, TS, Italia
A conversation between
Silvia Camporesi, professor in Sports Ethics and Integrity KU Leuven, Ethics Expert Advisory Board member, WADA
Matija Mato Škerbić, professor of Bioethics and Ethics at the University of Zagreb, president of the European Association for the Philosophy of Sport
Chaired by
Marco Cambiaghi, researcher and teacher University of Verona, collaborator of Tuttoscienze and Salute of La Stampa
The event will take place in italian
Register for the event
Sunday 29 september / time 10-11.15
Area Talk Piazza Unità d'Italia
Piazza Unità d'Italia, Trieste, TS, Italia
A panel with
Paolo Gasparini, professor of Medical Genetics, Trieste University / IRCCS-Burlo Garofolo
Maria Iascone, director Laboratory of Medical Genetics, Papa Giovanni XXIII Hospital, Bergamo
Chaired by
Marco Cambiaghi, researcher and teacher University of Verona, collaborator of Tuttoscienze and Salute of La Stampa
The event will take place in italian
Register for the event