Andrea Zancola

business intelligence & data management AcegasApsAmga

Andrea Zancola si occupa di Data Management e Data Science. Attualmente è responsabile dell’area di Data Management all’interno della struttura di Asset Management di AcegasApsAmga. Specializzato in data management, certificato DAMA CDMP Practitioner, integra questa specializzazione con competenze tecniche nella progettazione architetturale di sistemi di supporto alle decisioni e processi data intensive e soluzioni AI-driven. In passato ha guidato iniziative di system integration, business intelligence e data migration in ambito utilities e telecomunicazioni.

Andrea Zancola works in Data Management and Data Science. He is currently responsible for the Data Management area within the Asset Management structure of AcegasApsAmga. Specialized in data management and certified as a DAMA CDMP Practitioner, he combines this expertise with technical skills in the architectural design of decision support systems, data-intensive processes, and AI-driven solutions. In the past, he has led initiatives in system integration, business intelligence, and data migration within the utilities and telecommunications sectors.

Friday 27 september / time 18-19.15
Camera di Commercio di Trieste
Piazza della Borsa, 14, Trieste, TS, Italia
A panel with
Luca Bortolussi, professor of Computer Science and head of the the AI lab University of Trieste
Franco Francia, vicepresident Dama Italy
Giorgia Silvi, digital transition Gruppo Hera
Andrea Zancola, business intelligence & data management AcegasApsAmga
The event will take place in italian
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