Sunday 29 september / time 16.30-17.45
Area Talk Piazza Verdi
Piazza Giuseppe Verdi, Trieste, TS, Italia

A panel with
Carlo Baccigalupi, professor of Physics and coordination PhD in Astrophysics & Cosmology SISSA
Daniela Billi, professor of Biology University of Rome “Tor Vergata”
Andrea Tabarroni, professor of History of Medieval Philosophy University of Udine
Chaired by
Simona Regina, INNLifes editor
The event will take place in italian
If we’re not alone in the Universe, where is everyone? For decades, we've searched for and imagined forms of extraterrestrial intelligence. But what exactly are we looking for, and how do we search? Through an interdisciplinary approach that combines biology, philosophy, astrophysics, and science fiction, we will explore the potential paths that evolutionary forms might take on other celestial bodies, their possible levels of advancement, and the methods currently used to investigate their existence.
An event by SISSA

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