New, smart materials for CO2 storage

Saturday 28 september / time 18-19.15
Urban Center
Corso Camillo Benso Conte di Cavour, 2/2, 34132 Trieste, TS, Italia

A panel with
Giovanni Birarda, researcher SISSI-Bio beamline: Synchrotron Infrared source for Spectroscopy and Imaging applications for Chemical and Life Sciences Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste
Sumea Klokic, researcher CERIC-ERIC
Benedetta Marmiroli, researcher Institute of Inorganic Chemistry Graz University of Technology
Chaired by
Marcello Turconi, science communication officer CERIC-ERIC
The development of materials that adapt to changes in their surrounding environment, such as temperature or sunlight, presents exciting possibilities for carbon storage. These materials could, when needed and remotely controlled, efficiently and reversibly capture carbon dioxide. However, to achieve this, it is crucial to accurately measure the physical and chemical properties of these materials and their responses to environmental changes. This session will explore the experimental techniques used to tackle this challenge, which is essential for a sustainable, green future.
An event by Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste, In collaboration with CERIC-ERIC

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