Saturday 28 september / time 10-11.15
Sala Maggiore, Camera di Commercio di Trieste
Piazza della Borsa, 14, Trieste, TS, Italia

A panel with
Claudia Carletti, researcher IRCCS Burlo Garofolo
Marco Marigliano, professor of Pediatrics University of Verona, physician Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Integrata di Verona
Enza Mozzillo, professor of Pediatrics Federico II University of Naples, head of the Regional Pediatric Diabetes Centre Federico II University Hospital of Naples.
Chaired by
Gianluca Tornese, professor of Pediatrics University of Trieste, physician IRCCS Burlo Garofolo
The event will take place in italian
Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the diagnosis and treatment of many diseases. A prime example is Type 1 diabetes, the most common endocrine-metabolic disease in children, where AI and new technologies are proving essential in improving glycemic control and the quality of life for those affected. This conference will highlight the advances made in the management and prevention of diabetes, from the discovery of insulin to the use of apps, sensors, and insulin pumps, culminating in the development of the artificial pancreas.
An event by IRCCS Burlo Garofolo e Università di Trieste

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