General Info
Mondays-Fridays, 9am-6pm
Phone. 0490991240
National and International Press Office
SISSA Medialab
Phone. 3493117889 e 3409168274
International Academy Project
Phone. 0490991240
University of Trieste
Phone. 0405586143
Partners and promoters
Promoted by
Municipality of Trieste
University of Trieste
Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia
A project by
Trieste City of Knowledge
Curated by
Goodnet Territori in Rete
Who we are
ItalyPost. ItalyPost is an editorial platform founded in 2004 in Padua. It publishes the online newspapers VeneziePost, EmiliaPost, LombardiaPost, and the related weekly magazines of cultural economics Cult and economics and politics Monitor. ItalyPost aims at enhancing the political-cultural debate on the megalopolis of the Veneto, Emilia Romagna and Lombardy Regions, channeling and communicating the best of the industrial, political, scientific and financial cultures. ItalyPost promotes and manages about 100 events and meetings annually, in collaboration with various institutions: among these, Green Week, Festival Città Impresa, Galileo Innovation Festival, Trieste Next-Festival of Scientific Research, WeFood, Open Factory. For further info: