






  • Massimiliano Fabian

    president and CEO of Demus

  • Annalisa Falace

    professor of Algology at the University of Trieste

  • Stefano Fantoni

    president Trieste International Foundation for the progress and Freedom of Science

  • Sannia Farrukh

    science communicator ICGEB

  • Massimo Fedeli

    head of Department for Development of Methods and Technologies for the Production and Dissemination of Statistical Information Istat

  • Fausto Ferraccioli

    director Section of Geophysics OGS

  • Maria Dolores Ferrara

    associate professor of Labour Law at the University of Trieste and President of the Guarantee Committee of the University of Trieste

  • Silvia Ferrara

    professor of Aegean Philology University of Ferrara

  • Marco Ferrari

    biologist, science journalist, teacher Master in comunicazione della scienza "Franco Prattico" SISSA

  • Piercarlo Fiumanò

    journalist Nord Est Multimedia - Il Piccolo

  • Marcello Folesani

    head of strategic marketing, offering and new business Hera Comm SpA

  • Franco Foresta Martin

    geologist, popularizer, researcher at the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV)

  • Matteo Fornara

    senior expert Directorate Strategy and Impact JRC-Joint Research Centre

  • Jožko Fornazarič

    Secretary in Legal Service at the Directorate of Agriculture, Ministry of Agricolture of the Republic of Slovenia

  • Elsa Fornero

    Honorary Professor of Economics University of Torino

  • Anna Ludovica Fracanzani

    Director of Medicine and Metabolic Disease Unit, Fondazione IRCCS Ca' Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico. Professor of Internal Medicine University of Milan

  • Silvia Franceschi

    epidemiologist, scientific director CRO Oncology Reference Center of Aviano

  • Franco Francia

    vicepresident Dama Italy

  • Roberta Fulci

    science writer and radio host

  • Stefano Furlani

    professor of Physical Geography and Geomorphology at the University of Trieste

  • Maria Gaia Fusilli

    VeneziePost editor


  • Alessandro Garbellini

    head Office for Space Scientific Multilateral Cooperation and Intellectual Property Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI)

  • Paolo Gasparini

    professor of Medical Genetics, Trieste University / IRCCS-Burlo Garofolo

  • Andre I Geim

    Regius Professor of Physics University of Manchester, Nobel Prize in Physics 2010 with Kostya Novoselov

  • Marco Gerdol

    professor in Genetics University of Trieste

  • Mauro Giacca

    editorialist NEM Nord-Est Multimedia Group

  • Valter Giantin

    director of the Geriatrics Unit of Bassano del Grappa, Vicenza

  • Karina Gibert

    Professor and Director Intelligent Data Science and Artificial Intelligence research center (UPC), dean College of Computer Engineering of Catalonia

  • Paolo Giordano

    physicist and writer

  • Filippo Giorgi

    emeritus scientist ICTP

  • Giorgia Girotto

    Geneticist at the IRCCS Burlo-Garofolo; Associate Professor of Medical Genetics at the University of Trieste

  • Gian Francesco Giudice

    director Department of Theoretical Physics CERN Geneva, author of Prima del Big Bang. Come è iniziato l'universo e cosa è avvenuto prima ("Before the Big Bang. How the universe began and what came before", Rizzoli)

  • Domenico Golzio

    patent information expert

  • Gilberto Goracci

    University of Rome "La Sapienza"

  • Martina Gramolazzi

    Spa Manager Portopiccolo

  • Giovanni Grandi

    professor of Moral Philosophy at the University of Trieste

  • Giuliano Grignaschi

    head of Animal Welfare University of Milan, co-author of Io le patate le bollo vive ("I boil potatoes alive", Einaudi)

  • Emanuele Gruppioni

    technical director Research and Training Centro Protesi Inail

  • Corinna Guerra

    researcher in History of Science and Technology Ca’ Foscari University of Venice

  • Mariangela Cestelli Guidi

    Coordinator of the INFN National Technology Transfer Committee - Frascati INFN National Laboratories


  • William Hasselberger

    professor of Politics and Director of the Digital Ethics Laboratory at the Catholic University of Portugal

  • Furio Honsell

    professor of Automata Theory University of Udine

  • Mark Howells

    programme director Climate Compatible Growth (CCG)

  • Wieland Huttner

    director emeritus and Scientific Member Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics Dresden, chair emeritus Scientific Council Max Planck Society


  • Alessandro Iannace

    professor of Stratigraphic Geology Federico II University of Naples

  • Maria Iascone

    director Laboratory of Medical Genetics, Papa Giovanni XXIII Hospital, Bergamo

  • Heribert Insam

    microbiologist BioTreaT GmbH and Science Center MikroMondo

  • Marilena Iorio

    Scientist, principal investigator



  • Eiman Kanjo

    provost visiting professor Imperial College London, professor of Pervasive Sensing Nottingham Trent University

  • Sumea Klokic

    researcher CERIC-ERIC


  • Giuseppe La Spina

    researcher in Volcanology Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia Catania

  • Giovanni Landi

    vice-president of the EuropIA Institute

  • Marco Landi

    former president and COO of Apple, president of Institut EuropIA

  • Shiva Loccisano

    CEO AlmaCube srl and BeHold srl

  • Fulvio Longato

    professor of Philosophy at the University of Trieste

  • Laura Longo

    archaeologist Cà Foscari University of Venice

  • Francesco Longo

    professor in Experimental Physics University of Trieste

  • Giovanni Longo

    deputy rector for Mobility University of Trieste, professor in Logistics University of Trieste

  • Vanni Lughi

    professor in Materials Science and Technology University of Trieste, president Fonda College of Trieste

  • Jan Olof Lundqvist

    senior scientist SIWI-Stockholm International Water Institute, author of La tempesta perfetta. Acqua, cibo e 8 miliardi di consumatori ("The perfect storm. Water, food and 8 billion consumers", Post Editori)

  • Grazia Luparello

    researcher INFN Trieste, member ALICE Collaboration






  • Eric Quint

    former senior vice president and chief design and brand officer of 3M, author of Design Leadership. Elevating design at a scale (Stanford Business Books)




  • Andrea Tabarroni

    professor of History of Medieval Philosophy University of Udine

  • Andrea Taddio

    professor of Pediatrics at the University of Trieste

  • Sahra Talamo

    professor of Chemistry University of Bologna, author of Misurare la storia. La nuova linea del tempo dell'evoluzione umana ("Measuring History. The new timeline of human evolution", Raffaello Cortina Editore)

  • Giorgio Tamburlini

    pediatrician and president of the Center for Child Health

  • Andrea Tavernaro

    science communicator Fondazione AIRC per la ricerca sul cancro ETS

  • Phyu Phyu Thin Zaw

    lecturer in Health Leadership and Management in Crisis Settings Hong Kong University

  • Claudio Tiribelli

    scientific director Italian Liver Foundation

  • Lucilla Titta

    advisor Smartfood Program IEO-European Institute of Oncology

  • Francesco Tomba

    PhD student in Applied Data Science and Artificial Intelligence University of Trieste

  • Alberto Tonazzo

    sales and marketing director Kioene

  • Nicola Torelli

    professor of Statistics at the University of Trieste

  • Luca Tornatore

    researcher INAF - OATs

  • Gianluca Tornese

    professor of Pediatrics University of Trieste, physician IRCCS Burlo Garofolo

  • Sofia Treu

    CEO of Post Imprese

  • Laura Tripaldi

    scientist and writer, author of Gender Tech. Come la tecnologia controlla il corpo delle donne ("Gender Tech. How technology controls women's bodies", Laterza)

  • Roberto Trotta

    professor of Theoretical Physics SISSA

  • Marcello Turconi

    science communication officer CERIC-ERIC



  • Lisa Vaccari

    IDEAS group coordinator: Imaging, Diffraction, Emission, absorption and Scattering Beamlines and Labs Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste

  • Jeroen Vaes

    professor of Social Psychology, director of the Department of Psychology and Cognitive Science University of Trento

  • Alberto Vaghi

    principal solutions architect Qlik

  • Alessandro Vietti

    engineer and writer

  • Alessandro Vitale

    founder Conversate.eu

  • Nina Volf

    Patent Consultant De Simone & Partners