Andrea Crismani

professor of Administrative Law at the University of Trieste

Andrea Crismani è professore ordinario di Diritto amministrativo presso l’Università di Trieste, delegato rettorale per gli affari legali e la trasparenza, direttore del Master DMTS Diritto e Management del Terzo Settore: sistemi di benessere sociale tra imprenditorialità, volontariato e sussidiarietà, vice direttore del Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e Sociali DiSPeS, presidente della Commissione per la disamina della partecipazione a centri, consorzi ed enti esterni dell’Università di Trieste, avvocato, ufficiale dell’Ordine al Merito della Repubblica Italiana.

Full Professor of Administrative Law at the University of Trieste, Rector's Delegate for Legal Affairs and Transparency, Director of the Master DMTS - Law and Management of the Third Sector: Social Welfare Systems between Entrepreneurship, Volunteering and Subsidiarity, Deputy Director of the Department of Political and Social Sciences – DiSPeS, Chairman of the Commission for the examination of participation in centres, consortia and external bodies of the University of Trieste, Lawyer, Officer of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic.

A panel with
Giacomo Biasutti, professor of Administrative Law at the University of Trieste
Jožko Fornazarič, Secretary in Legal Service at the Directorate of Agriculture, Ministry of Agricolture of the Republic of Slovenia
Lino Paravano, Java Biocolloid and Java Biocolloid Europe, Hakiki Group
Gianna Zamaro, Central Director, Health, Social Policies and Disability Directorate, Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia
Chaired by
Andrea Crismani, professor of Administrative Law at the University of Trieste
The event will take place in italian
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