Andrea Zacchei

researcher INAF-OATs Euclid Team

Dirigente di ricerca presso INAF-OATs (OsservatorioAstronomico di trieste). Membro del Consiglio Scientifico dell’INAF. All’interno del progetto Euclid ricopre il ruolo di EcSGSM (Euclid Science Ground Segment manager)con la responsabilità del Segmento Scientifico di Terra di Euclid. Ex Data Processing Managar (DPCM) dello strumento LFI (Low Frequency Instrument) del satellite Planck, con la responsabilità dell’analisi dei dati di Planck-LFI. Autore di piu’ di 300 articoli.

Senior Astronomer at INAFOATs
(Trieste Astronomical
Member of the INAF Scientific
Within the Euclid project he
holds the role of EcSGSM
(Euclid Science Ground
Segment manager)
with responsibility for the
Euclid Science Ground
Former Data Processing
Managar (DPCM) of the
Planck satellite LFI (Low
Frequency Instrument),
with the responsibility of the
Planck-LFI data analysis.
Author of more than 300

Friday 27 september / time 17-18.15
Area Talk Piazza Verdi
Piazza Giuseppe Verdi, Trieste, TS, Italia
A panel with
Daniela Carollo, researcher INAF-OATs Euclid Team
Erik Romelli, researcher INAF-OATs Euclid Team
Chaired by
Andrea Zacchei, researcher INAF-OATs Euclid Team
The event will take place in italian
Register for the event