Daniela Cocchi

Emeritus Professor, University of Bologna

Professoressa emerita presso l’Università di Bologna. Svolge ricerche su statistica ambientale, statistica ufficiale, integrazione di dati, progettazione di indagini longitudinali a livello europeo, inferenza Bayesiana e metodi di campionamento. Impegnata in iniziative per la diffusione della cultura statistica, svolge, fin dalla prima edizione, attività nell’ambito delle edizioni dei Festival della Statistica e della Demografia. È stata presidente della Società Italiana di Statistica e della International Environmetrics Society, componente del Consiglio di Istat e membro del Consiglio Nazionale dei Garanti per la Ricerca. Co-editor in chief della rivista Environmental and Ecological Statistics oltre che associate editor di altre riviste statistiche internazionali, è componente dell’European Statistical Governance Advisory Board e Coordinatore del comitato consultivo ISTAT per le metodologie statistiche.

Emeritus professor at the University of Bologna.
She carries out research on environmental statistics, official statistics, data integration, longitudinal survey design at European level, Bayesian inference and sampling methods.
She is engaged in initiatives for the dissemination of statistical culture, and since the first edition, she has carried out activities within the Italian Festival della Statistica e della Demografia.
She was president of the Italian Statistical Society and of the International Environmetrics Society. She was a member of the Istat Council and a member of the Italian Consiglio Nazionale dei Garanti per la Ricerca.
She is Co-editor in chief of the journal Environmental and Ecological Statistics as well as associate editor of other international statistical journals. She is a member of the European Statistical Governance Advisory Board and Coordinator of the ISTAT advisory committee for statistical methodologies.

A panel with
Daniela Cocchi, Emeritus Professor, University of Bologna
Furio Honsell, professor of Automata Theory University of Udine
Linda Laura Sabbadini, Former Head of the production Department of Istat Italian Statistical Institute
Chaired byno
Leonardo Egidi, professor of Statistics at the University of Trieste
Nicola Torelli, professor of Statistics at the University of Trieste
The event will take place in italian
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