Daria Jelonek

media artist, researcher and designer

Daria Jelonek vive e lavora tra Londra e la Ruhrarea. Il suo lavoro si colloca nel campo dell’interaction design e delle installazioni d’arte immersiva, con un focus sul rapporto tra natura e tecnologia, con particolare attezione alla questione della luce e delle nuove tecnologie per gli schermi. Dopo la laurea al Royal College of Art nel 2017 e la ricerca con Microsoft Cambridge, attualmente lavora e pratica come artista e designer a Londra e ha co-fondato il collettivo di art&design Above&Below

Daria Jelonek lives and works between London and the Ruhrarea. Her work is situated in the field of interaction design and immersive art installations, with the focus on the relationship between nature and technology with special regards to the matter of light and new screen technologies. After graduating from the Royal College of Art in 2017 and researching with Microsoft Cambridge, she is currently working and practicing as an artist and designer in London and co-founded the art&design collective Above&Below.

Saturday 28 september / time 18-19.15
Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia, Sala delle Colonne
Riva del Mandracchio, Trieste, TS, Italia
A panel with
Caterina Benincasa, curator art & science project Joint Research Centre European Commission
Francesca Cuturello, researcher Area Science Park
Daria Jelonek, media artist, researcher and designer
Vincenzo Napolano, head of communication European Gravitational Observatory
Lulù Nuti, artist
Chaired by
Andrea Parlangeli, journalist magazine Focus
Register for the event