Eiman Kanjo

provost visiting professor Imperial College London, professor of Pervasive Sensing Nottingham Trent University

Eiman Kanjo è Provost Visiting Professor presso l’Imperial College di Londra e responsabile dello Smart Sensing Lab della Nottingham Trent University. È riconosciuta tra le 50 migliori donne ingegnere e ha ricevuto il Turing Network Development Award. È attivamente coinvolta nella tinyML Foundation e fa parte del comitato direttivo del tinyML Research Symposium, del tinyML EMEA come presidente di pubblicazione e come responsabile accademico del tinyML UK. Inoltre, è membro editoriale del Data Centric Engineering Journal e direttore associato di Health Data Research UK Midlands. Prima di ricoprire i ruoli attuali, ha condotto importanti ricerche presso i dipartimenti di Informatica dell’Università di Cambridge e dell’Università di Nottingham. È anche tra i responsabili della rete universitaria Turing e tra i 24 vincitori del Turing Network Development Awards 2022. Ha pubblicato oltre 140 pubblicazioni e ottenuto sovvenzioni da varie agenzie di finanziamento

Eiman Kanjo is Provost’s Visiting Professor at Imperial College London and the Head of the Smart Sensing Lab at Nottingham Trent University. She is recognized among the Top 50 Women in Engineering and is a recipient of the Turing Network Development Award. She is actively involved with the tinyML Foundation, serving on the steering committee for tinyML Research Symposium, tinyML EMEA as a publication chair, and as the tinyML UK academic lead. Additionally, she is an editorial member of the Data Centric Engineering Journal and an Associate Director at Health Data Research UK Midlands. Prior to her current roles, she conducted significant research at the Computer Science departments at both the University of Cambridge and the University of Nottingham. She is also one of the academic leads of the Turing University Network and one of the 24 recipients of the Turing Network Development Awards 2022. She has published over 140 publications and secured grants from various funding agencies.

A panel with
Eiman Kanjo, provost visiting professor Imperial College London, professor of Pervasive Sensing Nottingham Trent University
Teresa Scantamburlo, professor of Digital ethics Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
Marco Zennaro, head Science Technology and Innovation unit ICTP
Chaired by
Serafina Di Gioia, researcher in Applied machine learning ICTP
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