Francesco Tomba

PhD student in Applied Data Science and Artificial Intelligence University of Trieste

Studente del corso di dottorato in Applied Data Science and Artificial Intelligence presso l’Università degli studi Trieste dove ha dapprima frequentato il corso di Laurea Triennale in Fisica e poi il corso di Laurea Magistrale in “Data Science and Scientific Computing”. Il suo campo di ricerca è l’applicazione e l’uso di metodi di Machine Learning nella Fisica, nello specifico algoritmi di apprendimento non supervisionato applicati allo studio delle simulazioni cosmologiche. Studia inoltre l’implementazione di tali algoritmi su infrastrutture di calcolo ad alte prestazioni

PhD student in Applied Data Science and Artificial Intelligence at the University of Trieste, where he first attended the Bachelor's degree course in Physics and then the Master's degree course in "Data Science and Scientific Computing". His research field is the application and use of Machine Learning methods in Physics, specifically unsupervised learning algorithms applied to the study of cosmological simulations. He also studies the implementation of these algorithms on high-performance computing infrastructures.

A panel with
Francesco Tomba, PhD student in Applied Data Science and Artificial Intelligence University of Trieste
Roberto Trotta, professor of Theoretical Physics SISSA
Chaired by
Luca Tornatore, researcher INAF - OATs
The event will take place in italian
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