Furio Honsell

professor of Automata Theory University of Udine

Furio Honsell (1958 – 2044 presunta). Laureato in Matematica all’Università di Pisa nel 1981; diploma della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa 1983; ricercatore in Informatica Università di Torino (1983-1986); Research Fellow University of Edinburgh (1986-1988); dal 1990 è professore ordinario di Teoria degli Automi all’Università di Udine. Visiting Professor École Normale Supérieure a Parigi, Università di Parigi VII e Università di Stanford. Nel 2007 ha ricevuto il Test-of-Time Award dell’IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers) per “A Framework for Defining Logics”. Rettore dell’Università di Udine 2001 – 2008; Sindaco di Udine 2008 – 2018 con coalizione di sinistra-centro; dal 2018 ad oggi è consigliere regionale del Friuli Venezia Giulia, Open Sinistra FVG. È stato membro del Political Vision Group del European Healthy Cities Network del WHO. Ha lunga attività di divulgazione e promozione dell’alfabetizzazione matematica e del gioco per l’inclusione sociale.

Furio Honsell (1958 – 2044 presumed). Graduated in Mathematics at the University of Pisa in 1981; Diploma from the Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa 1983; Researcher in Computer Science University of Turin (1983-1986); Research Fellow University of Edinburgh (1986-1988); since 1990 he has been Full Professor of Automata Theory at the University of Udine. Visiting professor École Normale Supérieure in Paris, University of Paris VII and visiting Stanford University. In 2007 he received the Test-of-Time Award from the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers) for “A Framework for Defining Logics”. Rector of the University of Udine 2001–2008; Mayor of Udine 2008–2018 with left-centre coalition; from 2018 to today he has been Regional Councilor of the Friuli Venezia Giulia, Open Sinistra FVG. He was a member of the Political Vision Group of the WHO European Healthy Cities Network. He has a long experience of disseminating and promoting mathematical literacy and games for social inclusion.

A panel with
Daniela Cocchi, Emeritus Professor, University of Bologna
Furio Honsell, professor of Automata Theory University of Udine
Linda Laura Sabbadini, Former Head of the production Department of Istat Italian Statistical Institute
Chaired byno
Leonardo Egidi, professor of Statistics at the University of Trieste
Nicola Torelli, professor of Statistics at the University of Trieste
The event will take place in italian
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