Giovanni Landi, laureato in Filosofia presso l’Università degli Studi di Milano, è un manager di esperienza internazionale. Ha sempre lavorato in settori ad alto contenuto tecnologico, dall’informatica alle energie rinnovabili. Autore di un romanzo di fantascienza, da anni si interessa all’Intelligenza Artificiale, cui ha dedicato un saggio di natura filosofica. È l’ideatore del Progetto PedagogIA dell’Istituto EuropIA.
Giovanni Landi
vice-president of the EuropIA Institute

Giovanni Landi, PhD in Philosophy at the Milan Università degli Studi, is a manager of international experience. He has always worked in technology sectors, from ICT to Renewable Energies. He is the author of a science-fiction novel, and is passionate about Artificial Intelligence, a topic to which he has dedicated a philosophical essay. He is the creator of the PedagogIA Project with the Istituto EuropIA
Friday 27 september / time 16.30-17.45
Urban Center
Corso Camillo Benso Conte di Cavour, 2/2, 34132 Trieste, TS, ItaliaUrban Center
A panel with
Luca Bortolussi, professor of Computer Science and head of the the AI lab University of Trieste
Giovanni Landi, vice-president of the EuropIA Institute
Chiara Panciroli, professor of Didactics and Special Pedagogy University of Bologna
Chaired by
Giovanni Grandi, professor of Moral Philosophy at the University of Trieste
The event will take place in italian