Kate Devlin

reader in AI & Society King's College London

Kate Devlin è docente di Intelligenza Artificiale e Società presso il Dipartimento di Digital Humanities del King’s College di Londra. È un’informatica interdisciplinare che studia come le persone interagiscono e reagiscono alle tecnologie, sia passate che future. Kate è autrice di Turned On: Science, Sex and Robots (Bloomsbury, 2018), che esamina le implicazioni etiche e sociali della tecnologia e dell’intimità. È responsabile creativo e della diffusione del programma UKRI Responsible Artificial Intelligence UK, una rete nazionale che finanzia e svolge ricerca sull’IA a beneficio delle persone, delle comunità e della società e che riunisce l’ecosistema dell’IA responsabile nel Regno Unito e oltre

Dr Kate Devlin is Reader in Artificial Intelligence and Society in the Department of Digital Humanities, King's College London. She is an interdisciplinary computer scientist investigating how people interact with and react to technologies, both past and future. Kate is the author of Turned On: Science, Sex and Robots (Bloomsbury, 2018), which examines the ethical and social implications of technology and intimacy. She is Creative and Outreach lead for the UKRI Responsible Artificial Intelligence UK programme ¬– a national network that conducts and funds research into AI to benefit people, communities, and society and that unites the responsible AI ecosystem in the UK and beyond.

A panel with
Kate Devlin, reader in AI & Society King's College London
Valerio Rossi, AzzurroDigitale - Wepladoo
Jeroen Vaes, professor of Social Psychology, director of the Department of Psychology and Cognitive Science University of Trento
Chaired by
Bianca Monachesi, researcher in Cognitive neuroscience SISSA
Register for the event