Laura Celotto

communications office ICGEB

Dottorato in Biologia conseguito presso l’Università Tecnica di Dresda, in Germania, la sua ricerca si è concentrata sulla biologia rigenerativa della retina nei vertebrati. In precedenza, ha studiato Neuroscienze presso l’Università di Trieste. Attualmente sta completando il Master in Comunicazione della Scienza, “Franco Prattico” della SISSA, svolgendo un tirocinio presso l’Ufficio Comunicazione di ICGEB

PhD in Biology from the “Technische Universitaet” of Dresden, Germany, Dr. Celotto’s research interests focused on the regenerative biology of the vertebrate retina. Formerly, she studied Neuroscience at the University of Trieste. At present, she is completing the SISSA Masters in Science Communication, “Franco Prattico”, and undertaking an internship at the ICGEB, in Communications, Public Information and Outreach.

Friday 27 september / time 16.30-17.45
Palazzo Gopcevich, Sala Bazlen
Palazzo Gopcevich, Via Gioacchino Rossini, Trieste, TS, Italia
A panel with
Giulia Bortolussi, researcher ICGEB
Nicola Brunetti-Pierri, principal investigator Telethon Institute of Genetics and Medicine, professor of Pediatrics at Federico II University of Naples
Federico Mingozzi, Chief Executive Officer Newco
Andrés Muro, group leader Mouse Molecular Genetics Laboratory ICGEB
Chaired by
Laura Celotto, communications office ICGEB
The event will take place in italian
Register for the event