Lulù Nuti


Nata a Parigi (Levallois-Perret), Francia, il 22 febbraio 1988. Vive e lavora a Roma. L’artista concepisce masse scultoree e installative in dialogo con lo spazio. La sua ricerca indaga i sentimenti di responsabilità e di impotenza che eventi politici, sociali, ambientali innescano nell’essere umano, sulla sua percezione della realtà, sulla trasformazione delle abitudini e sul rapporto con la natura. Dopo essersi diplomata all’Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux Arts de Paris nel 2012, Lulù Nuti ha esposto in istituzioni in Italia e all’estero tra cui la Biwako Biennale, Giappone (2012) ; Cité Internationale des Arts de Paris, Francia (2014); La Panacée MO.CO. Montpellier, Francia (2018); l’Istituto Italiano di Cultura a New Delhi (India, 2019); Villa Medici, Italia (2021); Musée des Beaux Arts d’Angers, Francia (2023); British School at Rome, Italia (2023)

She was born in Paris (Levallois-Perret), France, on 22 February 1988. She lives and works in Rome. The artist conceives sculptural and installation masses in dialogue with space. Her research investigates the feelings of responsibility and powerlessness that political, social and environmental events trigger in human beings, on their perception of reality, on the transformation of habits and on their relationship with nature.
After graduating from the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux Arts de Paris in 2012, Lulù Nuti exhibited in institutions in Italy and abroad including the Biwako Biennale, Japan (2012); Cité Internationale des Arts de Paris, France (2014); La Panacée MO.CO. Montpellier, France (2018); the Italian Cultural Institute in New Delhi, India, 2019; Villa Medici, Italy (2021); Musée des Beaux Arts d'Angers, France (2023); British School at Rome, Italy (2023).

Saturday 28 september / time 18-19.15
Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia, Sala delle Colonne
Riva del Mandracchio, Trieste, TS, Italia
A panel with
Caterina Benincasa, curator art & science project Joint Research Centre European Commission
Francesca Cuturello, researcher Area Science Park
Daria Jelonek, media artist, researcher and designer
Vincenzo Napolano, head of communication European Gravitational Observatory
Lulù Nuti, artist
Chaired by
Andrea Parlangeli, journalist magazine Focus
Register for the event