Mark Howells

programme director Climate Compatible Growth (CCG)

Attualmente direttore del programma Climate Compatible Growth (CCG), con doppia affiliazione con l’Università di Loughborough e l’Imperial College, nel Regno Unito, in precedenza Mark Howells ha creato il prestigioso programma di analisi dei sistemi energetici presso il Royal Institute of Technology in Svezia. Ha guidato lo sviluppo di alcuni dei più importanti strumenti open source per la pianificazione energetica, delle risorse e dell’elettrificazione del territorio ed ha coordinato il think tank della Commissione europea per l’energia. È regolarmente sollecitato come esperto di scienza e politica per le Nazioni Unite. Prima di entrare nel mondo accademico, Howells ha lavorato presso l’Agenzia internazionale per l’energia atomica. Ha studiato all’Università di Città del Capo, in Sudafrica, dove è stato ricercatore nell’ambito del Programma sull’energia e lo sviluppo sostenibile di Stanford e ha rappresentato il programma studentesco del World Energy Council.

Programme Director of Climate Compatible Growth (CCG), Mark Howells is jointly appointed at Loughborough University and Imperial College, in the UK. Previously at the Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden he set up their prestigious Energy Systems Analysis programme. He led the development of some of the world's premier open source energy, resource, and spatial electrification planning tools; published in several Nature Journals; coordinated the European Commission's think tank for Energy. He regularly acts as a science-policy expert for the United Nations. Prior to joining academia, Howells had an award winning career with the International Atomic Energy Agency. He did his graduate and post-graduate studies at the University of Cape Town, South Africa. While there he was an international research affiliate at Stanford's Program on Energy and Sustainable Development and represented the World Energy Council's student programme.

Rita Nogherotto, research scientist CNR and ICTP
Followed by a panel with
Florence Colleoni, glaciologist and paleoclimatologist OGS
Filippo Giorgi, emeritus scientist ICTP
Mark Howells, programme director Climate Compatible Growth (CCG)
Register for the event