Marnie Campagnaro

professor of Children's Literature at the University of Padova

Marnie Campagnaro è professore associato di Letteratura per l’infanzia presso il Dipartimento FISPPA dell’Università di Padova e Direttrice del Corso di Perfezionamento post lauream “Lettura e letteratura per l’infanzia e l’adolescenza (0-18 anni)”. Membro dello Steering Committee dell’European Network of Picturebook Research e The Child and the Book, ha partecipato a numerosi progetti internazionali di ricerca sulla costruzione dell’immaginario d’infanzia, l’alfabetizzazione visiva, il design e l’architettura, materialità ed ecocriticismo. I principali campi di indagine includono ricerche su figure storiche della letteratura per l’infanzia del Novecento, albi illustrati, fiaba europea e riscritture, object-oriented criticism e reader-response. Attualmente coordina l’unità di ricerca in Italia del progetto internazionale NOTED-2022-2025 “Green Dialogues” focalizzato sul rapporto fra letteratura per l’infanzia e climate literacy. Ha oltre 90 pubblicazioni in riviste scientifiche peer-reviewed.

Marnie Campagnaro is an Associate Professor of Children’s Literature at the University of Padova's FISPPA Department. She directs the postgraduate Children’s Literature program and leads the LETIN Unipd research group. With a rich international background, she's served as a visiting professor at several European institutions and featured speaker at global conferences. Her main research fields include picturebooks, materiality, reader-response theory, design, architecture, visual and arts-based historical and educational studies, object-oriented criticism, fairy-tales, Italian children’s writers. Actively engaged in various research initiatives, she collaborates with educational institutions, libraries, and publishers. As Task Leader in the "Green Dialogues" NOTED-European Project (2022-2025), she advocates for climate literacy and walking as a critical inquiry. Marnie Campagnaro has published more than 90 papers in various high-quality peer-reviewed journals.

Sunday 29 september / time 16.30-17.45
Area Talk Piazza Unità d'Italia
Piazza Unità d'Italia, Trieste, TS, Italia
A panel with
Elena Bettinelli, professor of Sociology of Cultural and Communicative processes at the University of Trieste
Marnie Campagnaro, professor of Children's Literature at the University of Padova
Giorgio Tamburlini, pediatrician and president of the Center for Child Health
Chaired by
Andrea Taddio, professor of Pediatrics at the University of Trieste
The event will take place in italian
Register for the event