Silvia Pistoni

talent acquisition specialist

Laureata in Work, Organizational and Personnel Psychology (Double Degree), ha iniziato la sua carriera nel mondo HR, specializzandosi nella Ricerca e Selezione del personale con alcuni accenni anche all’ambito gestionale. Ha lavorato per multinazionali ma anche per contesti di Start up. Attualmente lavora presso Dedalus Italia, uno dei leader mondiali di soluzioni software per l’ambito Health-Care, portando avanti in parallelo anche un Master in Relazioni Industriali e del Lavoro

She began her career in the HR world with a Master's Degree in Work, Organizational and Personnel Psychology (Double Degree), specializing in personnel research and selection. Since then, she has worked for different companies, from multinational organisations to startups. She currently works at Dedalus Italy, one of the world leaders in software solutions for the Health-Care sector, while pursuing a Master's degree in Industrial and Labor Relations

Friday 27 september / time 10-10.45
Area Talk Piazza Unità d'Italia
Piazza Unità d'Italia, Trieste, TS, Italia
A panel with
Massimiliano Fabian, president and CEO of Demus
Martina Gramolazzi, Spa Manager Portopiccolo
Silvia Pistoni, talent acquisition specialist
Chaired by
Alberto Steindler, president LifeTech ITS Academy
The event will take place in italian
Register for the event