Teresa Scantamburlo

professor of Digital ethics Ca’ Foscari University of Venice

Teresa Scantamburlo è ricercatrice a tempo determinato presso l’università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia. La sua ricerca si concentra sull’impatto etico e la governance dell’intelligenza Artificiale. Ha lavorato presso l’università di Bristol (UK) e l’European Centre for Living Technology di Venezia. Ha partecipato alla task force della commissione europea per la valutazione delle linee guida sull’Intelligenza Artificiale affidabile.

Teresa Scantamburlo is Assistant Professor at Ca' Foscari University of Venice. Her research focuses on the ethical impact and governance of Artificial Intelligence. In the past, she worked at the University of Bristol (UK) and at the European Centre for Living Technology in Venice. She participated in the European Commission's task force for the evaluation of guidelines on trustworthy Artificial Intelligence.

A panel with
Eiman Kanjo, provost visiting professor Imperial College London, professor of Pervasive Sensing Nottingham Trent University
Teresa Scantamburlo, professor of Digital ethics Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
Marco Zennaro, head Science Technology and Innovation unit ICTP
Chaired by
Serafina Di Gioia, researcher in Applied machine learning ICTP
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