Sabato 28 settembre / ore 10-11.15
Palazzo Gopcevich, Sala Bazlen
Palazzo Gopcevich, Via Gioacchino Rossini, Trieste, TS, Italia

A panel with
Giuseppe Marzio, fondatore e storyteller strategico Chiaro
Erick Mora, team lead R&D division Roche Diagnostics Germania
Nina Volf, Patent Consultant De Simone & Partners
Chaired by
Sannia Farrukh, comunicatrice scientifica ICGEB
How can a PhD lead to launching companies, non-profits, fostering donations, engagement and community growth? This panel brings together ICGEB alumni from diverse career paths across Europe: featuring an entrepreneur, a storytelling strategist, and a virologist, the conversation will highlight how the biotechnology sector can pave the way for alternative careers in business, research & development, and beyond. Moderated by Sannia Farrukh, a PhD student and science communicator from Pakistan, this event promises to uncover the transformative potential of a PhD in life sciences.
An event by ICGEB

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