Sabato 28 settembre / ore 15-15.45
Teatro Miela
Piazza Luigi Amedeo Duca degli Abruzzi, 3, Trieste, TS, Italia

A panel with the finalist
Piero Martin, docente di Fisica sperimentale Università di Padova, autore di Storie di errori memorabili (Laterza)
Chaired by
Gabriele Beccaria, giornalista scientifico, responsabile Tuttoscienze de La Stampa
The event will take place in italian
Science is often regarded as the realm of certainty and truth. However, doubt and error are fundamental to the advancement of knowledge in every field. Just as in everyday life, error in science appears in many forms: there is the error that drives new discoveries, but also the error born of ideology or haste. There is the acknowledged error, which becomes fruitful, and the stubborn error that resists correction. In this book, we will explore fascinating stories from chemistry, biology, medicine, and especially physics, all from the perspective of those who have made mistakes. We will encounter renowned scientists like Fermi, Einstein, and Pauling, as well as nearly unknown scholars. Discovering that even the giants of science have erred will be a source of optimism. We live in a world that struggles with accepting error. Now, more than ever, it is important to reevaluate it: long live error!

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